Farm update!
Had a great visit last weekend with Charlie and Patrick. We managed to not make them work the entire visit and both Brian and Charlie got a walk around on Heidi on Brians new saddle. No pictures because Heidi is not the retiring pokey mare we expected but a lovely prancing lady who just wants to GO, so all my time was spent holding on tight rather than shooting photos.
One item I missed in the last update was my dog walking adventure. Everyone who has walked through the fields with us asks how I survive it because they race at full speed and are always circling around me before heading back out again. I’ve always said the key is to not try and dodge because if I’m where they expect they dodge me. Tucker did NOT get that memo and 2 weeks ago today he slammed into the back of my calf sending me flying into the air and down on my hip and back. Now that you have that update you get the better one – after two weeks of missed riding lessons I’m going back tonight! Hip is feeling much better and I’m very much looking forward to getting back in the saddle.
Finally got the pepper garden planted so there will be a new batch or two of hot sauce this year. A few tomatoes, some squash and melons are in too so although it’s not what we were hoping for it’s a great year one start.
Dog/Horse interaction is going well. This morning when I took the puppies out the horses trotted over to the fence to say hello. They’ve done it a couple times before but it was always near their water so I wasn’t sure the dogs were the draw but this morning was clearly direct to each other. Pepper did her nose touch to each horse, Tucker and Banner touched noses for the first time, followed immediately by Tucker jumping like he’d been shocked. Lexi is still at the scared and barking stage.
We’ve given up on fixing the water that was in the pool all winter. The leaves had disintegrated enough that it was impossible to clean so we’ve been emptying it out. Down to the last 18″ or so and now we need a new solution as our “Pumps straight up 25′” water pump is apparently incapable of the 12 we need. Called the pool guy who opened it for us but he’s at a training class this week out of town so we’re either waiting til next week or finding someone new. We shall see.
Yesterday was spent driving to pick up our newest working animals! The OSPCA has a working cat program that places feral cats into barns and other outbuildings to control pest populations. Yesterday I picked up Havana and Minnie (name changes might be pending). Pictures are going to be rare til they’re out of their adjustment crate because the barn is dim but it’s also cool so bonus there.
Mosquito population has diminished as the rain has quit so the lawns are no longer swamps but still more mosquitos that I’ve seen before this year. I’ve mostly stopped wearing bug spray but I’m still spending a crazy amount of time sweating to death while covered from head to toe. Ball caps and hoodies are my necks best friends right now. Particularly on the last walk of the night.
We also got the clothes line operational! First load is out, dried and in and I’ve remembered a few things.
- Holy cow this makes some clothes very stiff
- Check for bugs while folding
- Oh yeah, the dryer performed one additional task – dog hair removal!
Still planning to use it a lot, particularly for sheets but I may go back to pants in the dryer. Or maybe a quick spin in the dryer before or after the line. So many decisions!
Next projects on the priority list – getting the second paddock fence working so we can start rotating the horses and clearing out the chicken coops so we can bring egg layers home! Til next time!